God’s 911 Team, Inc is bringing hope to the communities in and around Waushara County. We believe healing and life change occurs in healthy community with others. Participants will build caring relationships and lasting recovery through our Christ-centered initiatives.

God’s 911 team is a faith-based organization which targets specific needs of communitity(ies) through intentional Christ-centered application through personal care to all. Our organization focuses on helping make the community around us a better, happier place. With the help of our tireless staff, we organize fundraisers, community-building events, and in-depth training sessions for our volunteers.


Our goal is to act as an instrument of positive change in the community. We will utilize all of the talents that God has given us and will participate in all aspects of life with energy, purpose and gratitude. In an every changing world filled with burdens, we aim to lift up, encourage, point people to Jesus and celebrate the goodness of God.

In The Beginning

We were founded in late 2014 by Jerry and Patti Miller, and a small team of board members. The Millers had a vision to provide wholistic recovery to opportunities to men and women wishing to move beyond the cycle of addiction and/or incarceration. The vision was large: create job opportunity, provide recovery programs, and offer independent housing options.


Continuing On Our Journey

Our initial efforts in the Wautoma downtown district sought to provide a centralized place for employment and recovery programs at the Living Stone Bistro. During this season, the IRS officially granted our non-profit status in the Spring of 2017.

Spring 2017

More To Our Story

On August 22, 2017, Jerry Miller, our founding president, died in a tragic car crash. Shortly after this tragic loss, God’s 911 Team, Inc. made the decision continue the vision we started. Much prayer and discussion followed, as we looked to our future. In the Winter of 2018, the board of directors made the difficult decision to stop development of the Living Stone Bistro and focus our efforts on programs which brought immediate hope to individuals struggling through seasons of hopelessness.

August 2017

Building Amalia's Serenity House

By the Spring of 2018, we launched the Amalia’s Serenity House. In partnership with Crossing HOME of MN Crossing Home Website, this home seeks to provide God-honoring housing for men who have completed treatment and/or prison.

Spring 2018

Beginning TreeHouse Central WI

In the Spring of 2019, God’s 911 Team launched TreeHouse of Central Wisconsin. Treehouse Central WI provides teens with grace-based programing where they can believe what is true and possible. We help teens build healthy friendships and hopeful futures through weekly support groups and intentional mentoring relationships.

Spring 2019



Board President and founding member of God's 911 Team

Patti Miller-Co Founder of Gods 911. After hanging up her Stethoscope she still stays active with the Waushara Co Health Board, the REACH team and serves on the AODA Committee. Having 5 children of her own, she enjoys kids and loves to volunteer at school.


Board Vice-President

Michael is a VP Financial Advisor with Old National Bank. He lives with his family in Wild Rose adn is active with local youth sports. He coaches both, youth softball and youth basketball. Michael is passionate about making Waushara County a better place for everyone in our communities.


Board Secretary and founding member of God's 911 Team

J.D. has two decades of experience working with teens in various Christian ministry roles. J.D.’s passion is to see every teen and young adult find healing and security in the community of Jesus Christ.



Board Treasurer


Board Member


Amalia’s House is a faith based recovery live in facility located in Wautoma, WI.

Non-medical, chemical dependency aftercare center with overnight stay Safe and sober environment Volunteer placement Not a halfway house Not a sober house (those who fail or relapse are not automatically discharged) All services beyond room and board are outsourced No government funding

Attend church on Sunday Attend a 12-step group Participate in weekly house/community meeting Attend a self-help meeting (Bible study, 12-step group, or as required by parole agent)



When a man is in need of help, when he knows that he needs a new direction, when he is tired of the same old road and when he needs the resources to become a better man we are there to help.  Our application and interview process is quick and complete allowing us to help those in need in a timely manner.


Amalia’s House is located on Main Street Wautoma in the center of Wautoma, WI.  Being centrally located makes access to all of Wautoma’s resources a quick walk or bike ride away.


Amalia’s House will help men become better men, lives can change for men who have hope instead of 

despair and discouragement. Amalia’s House gives men a chance to make a difference in the 

community.  We provide a safe and clean environment filled with encouragement and mentoring so that a man can truly get back on to the correct path.


Amalia's house was here for me when i needed help everyone involved was very helpful thank you so much I'm blessed.
Amalia's House Resident
Amalia’s house offers a bridge between living independently and a more intensive residential treatment. Its been very helpful for me in early recovery and its strategically located in the middle of town with the ability to walk to and from appts. It’s peer to peer governed with the aid of a recovery coach & landlord, both have been helpful in my recovery and do their best to ensure its recovery based environment.
Amalia's House Resident